Review: THE DIVIDE (book two in The Dreamland Series) By E.J Mellow

9 years ago

RATING : 5/5
GENRE: contemporary fantasy 
SERIES: The Dreamland Series


"Molly finally uncovers the truth about the strange dreams that plagued her sanity for weeks. Now destined to accept a clandestine role, Molly must find the strength and courage buried deep to push forward and succeed. 

With the help of Dev, the roguish blue-eyed man of her dreams—whose dark past resurfaces to haunt him—Molly prepares to test the limits of her newly awakened powers and set right a world on the edge of being consumed by nightmares. 

But when an unknown shadow stalks her every step and a shocking revelation about her ancestry comes to light, Molly may find herself forced to make a decision that could leave her alone in the dark and standing on the wrong side of a divide."


Oh. My. God. I have been typing and deleting for the passed 10 minutes because there is not an english word to describe what I am feeling. Remember in my last review when I said I didn't know where to start? Well this is that, again, x10. The Divide is captivating, ridiculously visual, and will have you gripping its pages with wonder of what happens next. If you're someone who likes being sucked in with every passing word I can assure you this series is for you. I can't say much without ruining everything because I know once I begin to babble I'll just word vomit all of the good stuff, but i'll try my best.

If ever there was a book that made me wide-eyed, on the edge of my seat, biting my nails, blushing, and swooning all at the same time, it's this one. *WARNING* give yourself a break when reading this book! it will have you trying to do crazy things like google how to have cooler dreams (totally guilty). On a serious note, let me give you a little preview of how I looked when I closed the last page of this book...

I honestly wasn't labeling this book as the "huge plot-twist" kinda book, but I couldn't have been more wrong and the plot twist that awaits you will have you throwing your book and pushing your face into your hands out of aggravation and full-on sobbing (again, totally guilty and I didn't exaggerate that in any way.) The burdens that Molly carry begin to weight heavy on my own shoulders throughout reading and I swear I caught myself holding my breath more than once. When I found out she had to choose between the two worlds on her 25th birthday, which might I add is 9 months away, I think I was more stressed and anxious than she was. To choose between the real world and her family and Becca, or to choose between Terra Somniorum, and more importantly, Dev...who I am in love with. We get a whole new taste of who he is and what his past was like and it made me both break and fill with even more love for him. The way Dev treats Molly and promises her things of such confidence makes me want to throw this book at the wall and pick it up just as fast. "and as we became connected, I desperately try to push away the thoughts that might force us apart." 

...I had to put down the book more than once to capture my thoughts. I especially love how we see how Molly transforms from this fragile, scared girl to this girl who takes hold of who she is and proves to everyone, to herself, that she will exceed expectations in this world. Between the Vigil, nocturna, the whole concept of the dreamer and her role in everything, and even the evil metus sent from hell (not really but really) this book makes real world so boring. The way E.j has organized everything that happens in this book is perfectly done and I can't say that about a lot of authors. And I think anybody can enjoy it despite the preferred genre because before this book, I didn't think I would be calling contemporary fantasy one of my favorites.

"....I expect this back the next time I see you..."

 My finger are itching to tell you everything that happens but I honestly think if I tried I'd sound crazy and I only say this because I attempted to explain the book to my friends witch only resulted in weird looks and them advising me to stop reading, yeah I know I need new friends. Anyway, I give this book all the stars! I'm going to stop here because I feel the spoilers boiling to the surfac and I just wont do that to you. Please do yourself a favor and read this book. And E.j Mellow, please do me a favor and hurry up with the third book. I can't even begin to imagine the events that will take place in it.



E.J. Mellow is the author behind the NA Contemporary Fantasy The Dreamland Series. When she’s not busy moonlighting in the realm of make-believe, she can be found doodling, buried in a book (usually this one), or playing video games.

Becoming obsessed with the written word at a young age, E.J. has been swimming in the creative writing field ever since penning a story about a family of hairballs that overtook her childhood bathroom. While that story might stand as her greatest yet, she’s still determined to beat it.

E.J. resides in NYC and is a member of Romance Writers of America and their Fantasy, Futuristic & Paranormal Chapter.

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